Saturday 24 January 2015

Ms Direction HHJ Challenge :: Check- in Week 1

Hey lovelies, this is the first challenge check in. In the next 23 weeks, we’ll have weekly check-ins on the blog. If you are participating in the challenge, it will be wonderful to have you take part in the check-ins.

This first check-in is to get us acquainted with each other’s hair journey.

Long hair has been considered a beauty standard for a really long term. Healthy, long hair enhances the beauty of most females. (I wouldn’t say all because, some ladies really rock the short hair look.) A lot of the time most females go in for the long hair look, by using wigs, weaves, clip-ins and braids expensive or cheap, to meet this idea of beauty. African women spend a good amount of money on hair care, hair extensions and almost all things hair related.
The healthy hair journey is a deliberate attempt at growing and maintaining healthy, long hair. Through good hair practices, products, tools and maintenance routines. I started my hair journey in July 2013.

My reason: I had short hair for the longest time, and was actually called names because my hair “was not growing.” This led me to start researching and watching videos. So far the journey has been smooth sailing but I seem to always have a problem with my nape and edges area.

1.  Why and when did you start your healthy hair journey?

2.  Has the journey been smooth or have you had difficulties?

Leave your answers in the comments below.
**If you haven’t already joined in the challenge, it is unfortunately too late. Hopefully, we’ll have you in the next challenge

Stay Awesome

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